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I'm leaving a quick post to let you all know that I just updated "Dynamic Morrowind" again and left some important info in the "updates" section inside the description. The main file download from now on will be updated with the latest releases as I release the updates. I forgot to do that before. I updated the description in my "Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Sound Addon" with some imprtant info that I left out before too.


Dynamic Morrowind - Towns: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43147/?


Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Sound Addon: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43158/?


Beast Race Ability Fix: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43159/?


Basic Combat Skills: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43160/?


I'll have other releases that I will perioudically update also, but one thing at a time for now. Once I find out why The Nexus website refuses to let me upload my RAR for the fallout series soundtrack for morrowind I will be publishing that too. The file size is 62 MB which isn't large but I'll host it somewhere else and link if I have to.

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Update 6.0 has been uploaded to the "Dynamic Morrowind - Towns" file section. I added leveled spawns to Vive St. Delyn's interiors and exteriors. Vivec is almost completely done. Once Vivec is finished, the other towns I've not finished yet will updated every 2 days. I plan on eventually making these NPC's have scripted schedules.


I also had a great idea for an NPC type that will stay in water that's deep enough where they have to swim but if combat is triggered can enter shallow water and walk around until combat is over. They will then wander around till there in deep water again and be disabled from walking on land. If in the water and gets to shallow water will turn 180 degrees and swim the other way. If they run into shallow water again they would turn ? degrees. Using this method I should be able to create human like swimmers that hang out on coasts. Another thing Morrowind is in desperate need of.

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