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Picking up heads

the dutch guy

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I'm new to this forum, and if this is in the wrong place, please tell me.

I had this idea, that it would be very awesome to be able to pick up heads into your inventory, and then 'decorate' your house with them.

Now, unfortunately, me and the GECK don't really get along, so i was wondering whether such a mod is possible, and if so, whether someone could make it.


Thanks in advance,

The Dutch Guy

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I asked the moderators to move this thread to the request section, it should be there. It has been suggested before, I think it is not possible due to current limitations of FOSE. I'm unsure though, let's let the script modders comment on this.
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The only way this could be done would be to add a generic "head" item to NPCs when they die via a perk, which has the same functionality as items in AMPUTATE. You can't detect the difference between a severed head and a destroyed one, so only NPCs with intact heads could have them taken, and all heads would have the same generic appearance.



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