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Fallout Decorator Assistant


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Hey Everybody It's BrokenSwords here with another question :sweat:


When I came across the Decorator Assistant in Oblivion it was like Christmas morning, finally I could display things in my house the way I wanted it to be and also lock them in their place.


Now I was wondering Is there a Decorator Assistant for Fallout ? if so please direct me to it, if not then how come?:.


Is it that you can't Summon it to your point and then Unsummon ?.

Is it nobody has yet thought of this ?.


For the summoning thing why don't you use a mine ? beauase mines you can drop and pick back up again.


I think some mods have scripting going on in the sneak mode department but I don't really know much about scripting.


Any way hopefully I can get a reply. :thumbsup:

Yours sincerely.


A.K.A BrokenSwords

A.K.A FallingShells

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So far I don't think there's such a mod for Fallout 3 yet. I think it's less interesting to decorate in Fallout 3, but it's totally different in Oblivion. Fallout 3 has junk clutters while Oblivion has lots of cool clutters for you to decorate. Maybe that's the reason it hasn't been made. Would you rather decorate your house with tin cans and scrap metals or shiny colourful awesome glass potion bottles? :rolleyes:
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So far I don't think there's such a mod for Fallout 3 yet. I think it's less interesting to decorate in Fallout 3, but it's totally different in Oblivion. Fallout 3 has junk clutters while Oblivion has lots of cool clutters for you to decorate. Maybe that's the reason it hasn't been made. Would you rather decorate your house with tin cans and scrap metals or shiny colourful awesome glass potion bottles? :rolleyes:




What about those Power Armours?

How about stacking your Nuka Cola the way you want it?

How about those Mini Nukes on the mantle piece?

Or what about that kick ass custom weapon you've just downloaded?


There's loads of reasons for the "why" issue.

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Well, I guess you're right, but it still comes down to personal taste. Oblivion clutters just seem way more interesting to me. I have nothing against this mod if it were to be created though. There's good news, as hugepinball stated, it'll be out soon. ;)
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