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Starship Troopers models (request)


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I'm looking for models of their armor, weapons, helmets etc.


I've googled and no luck.


I'm working on a mod idea and i need these things to work. The one thing I need now is the helmet, as I've retexed lot's of armors and mixing different stuff getting it good enough.


So if anyone can give me a link to download these or make them, I would be happy (I don't know how to model, I'm only a master in photoshop)


On forehand, thanks :-)

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Yeah, the armor is not the biggest issue. It's the helmet i could use a good mesh for.


Here's the armor i was able to put together, not nearly done tough.




Off topic: One good news, i found a arachnid i could use for the mod lol.

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Looking good, keep up the good work. I suggest you PM tony the wookie or jaysus, they should be able to help you out with the modeling there. I don't think the helmet will be too hard to model, just need to add the straps that's all.
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