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Gob NPC Improvements/Overhaul


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Simple enough idea I suppose, just something I've wanted to do for a while...


Pretty much; Gob is one of my personal favourite characters, but a few things bugged me with him.


Several Ideas;

1- Should Moriarty be killed and the Saloon becomes Gob's, for pities sake make him stop talking about Moriarty like he's still around.


2- Would enjoy the ability to pay off Gob's debt to Moriarty for Good Karma/Gob as a possible companion/A quest to escort Gob back to Underworld... Or all three...

-In which case, he could just hang around Underworld, or in the case of Charon slaughtering Azrukhal, why not have him take over the Ninth Circle (Don't know how pheasible that is).


If such a mod is already available or even in the works it would be a major time saver but;


I would be quite willing to fund/commision a Modder capable of creating this Mod to a high enough standard (Such as not leaving characters with a mass of silent lines where possible... In such a case it might be adequate to request the help of an amatuer voice actor to fill in certain lines, but that's a totally different story).


Either way, any ideas to add? Anyone care to offer their services etc.

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