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Magi Tower Spider quest path block?


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There is an invisible object blocking the T section path in the Magi Tower cavern where the spider infestation quest takes place? This hasn't happened before, any ideas as to what exactly can cause this?


Many Thanks

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The mods I have installed/updated since then would be DA Redesigned 6.4, Combat Tweaks, Advanced Tactics, Extra Dog Slot (though that is currently disabled), Personal Annoyance Remover, Character Respecialization and the less dog barking reanimations (during camp), ES Shapeshifter forms, Evocation summoning, dog gift tweaks and have since installed Return to Ostagar.


Also this mod, though it is just purely texture (.DDS) changes:



I have tried *disabling* all mods in the DLC menu but to no avail.


One question, does disabling a mod only prevent the files from within the Addin folder from functioning, because I know that files within the packages/core/override don't get disabled.


If so, then the cause my be in there.



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No, disabling mods doesn´t help problems that have occured. Only a reinstall, and a cleaning of the REG_KEY section. But WAIT, I might be wrong. It´s a h::ll of a job. Wait a few days an see if someone come up with something better :thumbsup:
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Ok, hopefully this is the only time this will occur, but I found a way around it.


I went into the toolset, loaded up the area model and pinpointed a location just past the object, then loaded up my save data and changed the positions of me & my party members to that exact position, saved, loaded the game and there I am!


I just used the runscript zz_jump_around command to get back past the object once I done, so it teleported us straight to the entrance.

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No probs, just to let ppl know I am coming across more of these invisible objects elsewhere, in the Magi Tower stockroom, there is one just in front of it, though this one I can actually walk around.


Not sure what (mod) is causing it, or how?????


There is another subject here on the same error, and even mentions him recently installing Adv. Tactics v3 & Extra Dog Slot, just like I have.



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I seem to be coming across approx. 1 per area at most, there was 1 on the tower first floor, in the centre of the room leading to the second floor staircase, and one in the basement, though it is out of the accessible area, which is where I wouldn't mind them being ;)

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