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I don't think that many people would find that mod to be useful while playing the game. If you really want to explore the game you should either just use the 'killall' command in the console or just use 'godmode'. It also seems like a mod that takes away one of the best things about Skyrim. The exploration. When you play a game like Skyrim you usually play it to explore the land and to find interesting things to do. Deleting NPCs would kind of ruin the immersion and take away one of the best aspects of the game.


TL;DR: Where's the fun in that?

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vgamer4, That's not for me or you to say.


This is the section for mod requests. The OP made a mod request. He/she didn't ask for whether you approve of said request or not. But we'll certainly take your name off the list.

Edited by phantompally76
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