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Op3r8r - Formal warning issued

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Op3r8r has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Trolling and insulting a mod and insulting users who download it.


Do not like a mod move along.


"This is a mod made for virgins....and creeps. "


"What is wrong with this games modding community.

This is why games like STALKER are better in terms of post-apocalypse, because the modding community hasn't gone creepy and deep internetish.

Also, why is the guys penis so low on his body? That's not healthy. "





This warning was issued for what took place here, here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, Op3r8r has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




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