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Strange issues with custom armor


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I've been creating my first set of armor for Skyrim using 3dsMax 2012 and ran into two strange problems I just can't get my head around:


1. The game just ignores the meshes for female characters. On a male character everything including weight sliders works fine. On a female character the game just uses the male model and the sliders do NOT work. However, the female nifs are fine and work as intended if used in the male slot.


This is how the cuirass is set up in the CK:





2. Equipping the helmet (closed helmet to replace the entire head) sometimes just removes the head:

I created a new character, saved. Went to bleak falls barrow where I placed my armor. Equipped it: works like a charm. But once I save and reload again, helmet and head are gone. But I also have a few older save games where the helmet always works. Yes, I'm speaking about the same item from the same .esp.


This is the thing ingame (left: helmet equipped, not working - middle: helmet unequipped - right - helmet equipped, working):




See the red/black cloth collar on the cuirass? This part is supposed to be hidden once the helmet is equipped, hence it is set to 30-HEAD. Basically I set it up just like it is commonly done with the forearm or calves sections that are hidden once the character has gloves or boots equipped. But it just won't work properly. This is the helmet in the CK:




If I uncheck the 30-HEAD biped object from the cuirass AA the collar would always be hidden and the helmet always working. But that's not what I want, of course.


Well, everything is set up how it is supposed to be, as far as I can judge. Weighting, dismemberment, file names, item properties in the CK, etc... I'm at the end of my wits. Any ideas?

Edited by Lazarus89
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As far as I can tell, when you set the collar in your cuirass nif to 30 the whole head is missing when you equip the helm. The only way I think it will work is if you pretend it is hair, such that when the helmet is equipped the hair is recognised to be hidden, assuming it doesn't mess up the hair of the player.
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Tried that, at least the helmet won't be invisible now. But the problem still exists: after loading a game, everything looks fine. Save+reload and the collar will appear (along with the helmet), even if it is supposed to be hidden. Save+reload again and everything appears to be fine as again. This is reproduceable.

I just don't understand why the same system works fine with Boots and Gauntlets but not with helmets.

What about the priority setting? I've been using default settings (5 for cuirass, 10 for everything else) and changing them doesn't seem to be helpful either.


As for issue with the female armor meshes: this seems to be solved, I believe capitalizing the mesh folders fixed it. I remember Oblivion being picky about that as well sometimes.

Edited by Lazarus89
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  • 10 months later...

I don't understand, I've made a lot of custom armour for skyrim and I never encountered these issues. Can you please post a picture of your Nif Exporter settings ? (the window that pops up when you export a mesh to the .nif format in 3DS max)

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