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3 more requests


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Ok, please let me know if any of this has been done before.


First I was wondering if it would be possible to be able to kill Zimmer after getting wired reflexes? I figured why not exploit both of the quest rewards. But I would need to be able to kill Zimmer and Armitage.


Secondly, I was wondering why I would not be able to simply go back down and take out Harold's heart after completing one of the other options. I figured, it is still there and still killable, in theory.


Lastly, I was wondering if there was a way to, in game, recolor power armour. I thought that since the Enclave is not well liked, how would anyone know I was Not in the Enclave if I was wearing their armour. This is part immersion and part "I think this would be a good idea" request. I figured what if I could change the color on some or all of the armour parts. White Enclave armour, or perhaps another color.


Well please let me know what you guys think. thanks for reading and thank you to everyone who have been so nice in helping me out so far. Been a good first two weeks since joining the forums. I appreciate all the hard work you guys do. I hope to make mods myself.


Thanks again,



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For the first; You can get both rewards, just convince Harkness to stay, but tell him you'll kill Zimmer, he'll give you his rifle and you can then tell Zimmer about Harkness, gaining the perk and losing karma, it's then your choice if you want to use the plasma rifle to kill Zimmer and gain karma back or let him take Harkness away.


As for the others... Can't help you there.

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Definitely can get both rewards from the Replicated Man quest. You get no net gain on karma I believe, but you get the gun and the reflexes.


I've never tried the Harold one myself, admittedly. It makes sense, but I would feel bad.


There is definitely no in-game way of altering the color of the armor, but I believe making a unique custom colored set is one of the easier mods that can be done. I'm experimenting with GIMP and texture editing right now, and it would be time consuming, but could be with little experience.

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