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Far Cry

Infinite Explosive Arrows?


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I'm on my second run through the game, and I'm using the gamerprofile.xml file to enable infinite ammo. However, I've noticed that it doesn't allow me to have infinite explosive arrows. Everything else, including normal explosives, is infinite, but the craftable arrrows stubbornly refuse to conform. I was wondering if there was any mod to help me with this. Sorry if I'm being an idiot, I'm not exactly a modding master like most of you probably are.


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  • 2 months later...

I'm on my second run through the game, and I'm using the gamerprofile.xml file to enable infinite ammo. However, I've noticed that it doesn't allow me to have infinite explosive arrows. Everything else, including normal explosives, is infinite, but the craftable arrrows stubbornly refuse to conform. I was wondering if there was any mod to help me with this. Sorry if I'm being an idiot, I'm not exactly a modding master like most of you probably are.


It can easily be done. Make a short cut of the game exe, and copy this to destination line -GameProfile_UnlimitedAmmo 1

Edited by math341c
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