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Far Cry

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  • 8 months later...

Yes definitely,


for the simple reason that you can see for yourself how much things have & can be changed through the introduction of good mods. Or in Far Cry 3 instance, good mod since you can only load one at a time.


Play through the whole game first - then go to your mods & download the one you want. Back up your patch.dat & patch.fat files before you install the mod of your choice.


Far Cry 3 is great, but the constant popup onscreen messages are annnoying so you might want to turn them off in options prior to doing your first run through of the game. I'd also recommend updating your game BEFORE you actually do your first "play-through" - this will ensure mimimal bugs etc. Also, check out youtube vids to help you get the most out of your game.


As for which mods are the best, I'd prefer to leave it for you to decide for yourself. There are a lot of good ones out there though.


Here's a link to a few:




Hope you have fun playing - any problems, just ask, I'll help if I can.



Edited by JacketteFarcryer
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