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Bears with lazer beams


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Hmm... no, thats not quite what I wanted to do... like, the bear SHOOTS LIGHTNING, not looking like its MADE of lightning...

Also, how powerful should it be? Can someone help me with the scripts nessisary to sell it, or should it just be free? :unsure:


I'm aware that's not what you wanted so you're going to have to edit the mesh and animations to enable the bear to actually cast a ranged spell.


Either that or maybe an OBSE based script can help you, but making it cast the spell on demand without the proper animations isn't going to be easy.


Editing animations and creating new ones is one of the hardest things to do. So unless someone does it for you or you learn how, you're stuck.


Good luck!

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Are you actually planning on creating a laser beam and stick it on the Bear mesh

I have NO prior experience with modding AT ALL. Nor do i have any with messing with meshes... I thought I could just add a target spell to the bear, and everythinh would work out. APARANTLY NOT :wallbash: . So, I can't even DO this mod unless someone else makes the meshes. Sorry. :whistling:

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