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need some help for a mod


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You might verify that the mesh and textures are set up right. In some cases, missing meshes and textures can actually crash the game.


One test would be to place this item on the ground somewhere in the CS and see if you have a missing mesh or if it is purple or some other color because it has a missing texture. If your item had entered the game through someones' inventory, you would have overlooked this problem.


Oblivion just likes to crash. Is this an isolated incident? You might try dropping your item three times and seeing if you can make the game crash all three times.

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Missing meshes and textures have been known to crash the CS. Maybe you should try inspecting this item in NifSkope. You could also inspect the filepaths of the mesh and textures in the CS without actually placing the item in the render window. You might try placing a known good item into the render window to see if the CS is always crashing at this point.


Items with scripts can sometimes cause crashing. Does your item have a script? You might run a play-test where you drop an ordinary item to see if that crashes your game right now. That could help pinpoint whether your new item is really at fault.


Be sure that your texture paths are like textures\sharp things\MyHorn rather than C: Program Files\Bethesda\Oblivion\Data\textures\sharp things\MyHorn. This problem could manifest itself if you use multiple computers.

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