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Stands for "Ruling Against Paranormal Enquiries" :whistling:


I had the Idea of a group of people who are located near to the U.F.O. crash site. They are obviously against the paranormal things happening in Mothership Zeta. They could be helpful in exploring the Mothership, finding new technology (such as airstrikes from it, etc.)

tell me what you think about this :)

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Did you play Mothership Zeta? If yes you would know all the things about People being held there and also that some inhabitants disappeared.


About the Technology thing: I would need some Ideas for it (Items aliens always have and you always wanted to have :D )

They then could be either Made by yourself out of the compounds found in the ship or just be obtained by the R.A.P.E. Activists


quick Ideas for quests are some collection quests and probably involve going out into space (not sure if that is possible with the GECK),

and could involve searching through the remains of a "stolen" house inside the mothership (I rebuild my school in 3d with some mates for a project and now I want to use it :D )

This could mean that there are a lot of disturbed teenagers around who could get friends with the little girl from the Main story.

(at least one quest will be about "alien slept with me"...)


I am currently collecting Ideas for this as I am going to have a lot of free time in future and want to actually make an own mod :)

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Opps, my bad. I don't have Zeta DLC, that's why I asked the questions. For alien item, I would like to have a hand held teleporter device (maybe has a recharge of once per day use?) that allows you to teleport anywhere on the map even when you're in trouble/encountering a threat.
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Stands for "Ruling Against Paranormal Activities" :whistling:


I had the Idea of a group of people who are located near to the U.F.O. crash site. They are obviously against the paranormal things happening in Mothership Zeta. They could be helpful in exploring the Mothership, finding new technology (such as airstrikes from it, etc.)

tell me what you think about this :)


You mean R.A.P.A. right?

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As far as Alien tech goes, being a Chef myself, I would wonder how humanity and other life forms would gather edible supplies away from home. Perhaps some alien device that exchanges raw biological, edible, material into something else. For example, I put in so much ant meat, some mole rat, press a button and I get some sort of food that is radiation free. A simple device that converts one thing into another. The premise being that the Aliens could take food from Earth or other planets and transmute it into their preferred food.


Punga fruit to Refined punga fruit. that would be a good one for the alien food convertor.


The other idea I had would be some sort of device that allows the Aliens to find items that they are interested in studying. Something built into an ocular system, we might use goggles, that detects and displays location of certain items. In our terms, puts a little arrow above the guns and items out in the wasteland. Even bodies that we drop in combat. We all know about trying to find that last talon company or raider we popped in the start of combat, but after running around we cannot find them. Always annoyed me.


Well I dunno if either is possible, but that is my 2 cents.



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