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Minor First-Person Model Patch


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Fixed! I just needed to change the left forearm from 'upperbody' to 'arm'.



So, I've got myself into a bit of a pickle.


I use COL Enclave Replacer from Fallout 3 (converted for TTW use) and the Pip-Boy 2500 (which removes the player's forearm Pip-Boy) together as two of my mods.


However, it appears that COL Enclave Replacer was never rigged with a first-person model for the left forearm. When I'm using Tesla armour (my favourite armour in the game), my left forearm disappears in first-person view - looks fine when in third-person, but come first-person and I've just got a disembodied hand.


I'm wondering if anyone could do me the enormous favour of rigging up a quick fix to this by adding a first-person forearm model for the armour. I'm sure that the mod author won't mind (it's just a quick patch for his/her work) and given that the third-person model is already in place, the model for the forearm already exists - it's just not rigged for first-person.


The only armour I'm concerned with is the Tesla armour - anything else, I could care less about.


Many thanks to anyone willing to take this on!


Best regards,



Edited by MarchUntoTorment
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