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Terminals do not display any text


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Somewhere in the process of experimenting with mods I lost the ability to interact with terminals.

That is to say, they switch on, but do not display any text (except a cursor on top). Attempts to interact with the blank screen result in CTD.


Switching off all mods in FOMM does not help, the issue remains.

Also, when starting a new game and getting to the face modification screen displays the usual Gene Projector, but with no text (menu items are there, they can be interacted with, they just don't show any text) - SO I am guessing this is a file replaced (and/or misplaced somewhere).


I suppose similar problems were encountered before, so can someone point me in the right direction?

I really don't want to reinstall it all from the top... again.

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It sure sounds like some of your menu XML files have been hosed by some mods that install or otherwise bury the original XML menus. I have no idea which files they could be, but you could do a search for any .xml files in your fallout folder and subfolders and try moving them to a temporary folder and see if that allows the original ones to work again. But the best way would be to do what you don't want to do - which is wipe your fallout folder cleqan and re-install. The most likely location to look would be in \data\menus. If you see any .xml files there, try moving them.
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Yeah, did that twice. The problem was localized to either ini-files (did not remove them during deinstallation), not "breaking in" the game after reinstallation (no-mods-no-fose-no-nothing first run) or registry (did not clean after deinstallation). I'm thinking ini files - tried installing DUI on first run, it never installed correctly and broke my first installation.


Something like that.

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If so, check Fonts section in Fallout.ini .Thats mine











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