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Animation GIF tutorial


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On several requests (at least one) I will start a little tutorial on basic animatian creationing. I am no master of the skill, I learned the little I can by my self. This is however an amazing world, with unlimited posibilities, except for your own fantasy. I hope that there will be some feed back from the novice and skillmaster too, since this is a subject of great interest to many.


Tutorial starts here:




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Awe .. PS 7, seems so long ago since I last opened it up. Why did they have to take out Image Ready? I hate Fireworks. Great tut, though, thank you.
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what of those who donot have photoshop, is there a free gif animator for them to use??



You can try to use GIMP. It's free. GIMP only allows simple animations, photoshop can produce better quality ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

works for me.i made a few animations. http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/14/97/46/33/render11.gif http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/14/97/46/33/animth10.gif


Well done, good to see it works. Keep it up. :thumbsup:

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