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Cant do any bow damage.


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Okay, the problem is rather short and came out of the nowhere, but it is game breaking and yeah. In short, Without reason, while I was playing, I´m now unable to do any damage with bows over distance. The traget just autoheals itself and does not react. No matter what I shot. Wolfs, guards, Nazeem. No differents.

I havent installed any mod today and/or changed anything via the console. Nothing. It came out of the nowhere after entering a fort.

I tried to clean the save from scripts that may cause a problem, but NOTHING so far. Google didnt turn up any either.


Would be nice if someone knows what I can do to fix it.

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Check those settings in your Skyrim.ini:





EDIT: The one under Actor should be of interest, but the others are recommended to.

Edited by OutLaw666
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Check those settings in your Skyrim.ini:











EDIT: The one under Actor should be of interest, but the others are recommended to.


Well, I cant find anything strange. But if the ini would be messed up, other safe games would have the same "bug", but they dont. I have no idea whats wrong here.. Thanks anyway.

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