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Assistance Required; Ghoul Network Radio


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I am currently working on adding a new radio station to the Wastelands, by Ghouls for Ghouls.


Ghoul Network Radio (The Other GNR) already has a presenter/voice,and a fair amount of working, tested, dialogue in-game.


What I am lacking is the ability to create the radio station itself within the world.


The Station Headquarters itself is intended to be hidden in a vault, at the end of a highly radioactive, feral ghoul infested swampy-cave system.


I was also hoping for a back door that requires a key obtained from the DJ Bartleby upon entering the Vault, or from Quinn (in Underworld) or Uncle Leo upon a difficult speech check, to avoid the radiation tunnels altogether.


Simply put; I have the minor abilities required to get the station up and running, I'm not asking anyone to do the rest for me (though it'd be appreciated lmao), just asking for guidance, hints, or a simple walkthrough with pictures... Because they're the only way I can comprehend the GECK.


Also lacking music, any tips there?

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Wish I could help on the GECK stuff, but I'm a modding n00b, just figuring it out himself. However, as for suggestions for music, I thing folk music would be fitting. Maybe something like Cajun music mixed with Western and Irish and so forth.

Cajun and Western works for Bartleby's back story... It's worth consideration, and if selected right I can't imagine it being any less fitting than the 1920's smooth we get in Vanilla FO3.


Thanks a load anyway!

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You should download a few different radio mods and start fiddling with/hacking about those in the geck to see how others have done so. Ive not tried to do a radio yet but thats how i would do it if i didnt know.
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