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PENIS carved in rock in Vault 106. Pics attached


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I was scouting around the Living Chambers in Vault 106, and took a look 'outside' into the dirt walls, and found what looks like it says PENIS. Could this be the result of a bored level designer? Or am I too doped up on gas and insane, like the inhabitants of Vault 106?


I found this on the unpatched PS3 Game of the Year Edition version of Fallout 3.


I uploaded the pics from my mobile (Cell) phone. Apologies for the photo quality, and TV refresh lines. It's better to just look yourself if you have trouble reading the first pic.


The word PENIS carved into the rock cave: http://tinypic.com/r/ie2tmp/6


The words PENIS traced in red to stand out better, provided by Tortured Tomato: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...st&id=10905


The location where you can find it: http://tinypic.com/r/r8ceh5/6



Go and see it for yourself.

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I think this is like that "face" on Mars, or images of Jesus in a pile of rocks (or a cloud that looks like a pony) :D


I think there is an underground location somewhere whose plan in the pipboy looks like cartoon male genitalia though..

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It is possble you picked up on a subliminal, such things exist prevalently withing games and tv/films/media/magazines etc.


Some are obvious some not so much, Fallout 3 has more than its fair share though.


Like for example this piece of dialogue.


"Scribe Rothchild will help, he's from the Brotherhood" or something like that.


(N.B. - If you look into why that is dodgy don't bring it here and clutter this thread with it.)


If you want to see what I mean outside of the context of fallout then get on youtube and search out Subliminal messages and Walt Disney (yeah thats right) for some really shocking examples of this.

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Interesting. I'm going to be looking into more Easter Eggs in this game.


@ Heyy_Adrian: If you're having trouble seeing it still, press your "PRINT SCREEN" button, and open up MSPaint, press CTRL+V, and then press CTRL+I to invert the colors. The text should look black so it might stand out more.

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