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Skyrim Extended Encounters Praying for All Npcs


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Hi, hello. I play Skyrim and i love mods like poplulated Npcs or extended encounters. It adds to the immersion of the game.

Why are Skyrim Npcs so lazy and don't pray, sure i mean. Most are nords and nords are not milk drinkers who pray. But heck not much people visit the shrines or priest homes. I mean, aside from war alpha jock nords. Most women seem to be faithful, same with milk drinkers. And rich people, But i go to temple of mara and i see 3 priest (Which is alright) and 2 people. (And they are from mods). Wow, i mean Skyrim is lazy, npcs talking about religion and talos and people are just plain lazy.


I propose a mod that is like extended encounters that is safe and scriptless and the npcs will return to whence they came. That will make npcs pray. That nord men will visit talos shrine,praying in the open field or go to temple of mara. That Women will have amulets and pray whenever (Near a tree, on a road) and visit dibella in markath (You know what kind of women they are :smile:) That Khajit will pray on roads and medataite. That Argonians will be near swaps and trees and pray.


That also populates the temples and shrines. And you see nord men kneeing with their swords praying to Crom... i mean Talos


I just want a mod that makes Skyrim more religous and more npc in places of faith. Ye know, old women i think will visit places of faith a lot for their sons fighting in the Civil War

Edited by BotoxGod
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