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Fresh gamesave with all perks?


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Hello everyone,


So I came from playing XBOX 360 Skyrim and finally got a new PC to play on ultra, on 360 I was able to load a save at character creation, adjust how he/she looked and continue on with the story, once I was able to move I had a ton of gold, all the great weapons / armor and had every skill point / perk unlocked.


Is there a save like this for PC? I would like to play the game again and do the story as an almighty dragon born from the start.



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Here is some to browse through. Also, you can use the console to add the perk. Not sure if you know how to use the console commands or not, so... ask how if you need help. Also, you will need to install all of the mods that the uploader advises.


Also when you install mods, I strongly recommend installing http://skse.silverlock.org/beta/skse_1_07_00_installer.exe as well as SkyUI 4.1


I also strongly recommend using http://loot.github.io/ to optimize your load order.


For the console commands, if you want to go that route, go here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Consoleto study them. Use them at your own risk, as reckless use of console commands can and will break your game.

Edited by MethosTR
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