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Texturing Problem


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I'm a lazy newb. I'm sorry I can't help it! I'm in a rush and tried a quick search for a similar issue but could not see one, basically I'm new at re-texturing, I've tried two, they are just the same textures with different colour filters applied, I can do all the basics and it almost works, I'm sorry, I'm bad at explaining this, basically I got into the game, spawned it and then I equipped it and - it went black in the menu and when you turn it sort of disappears - it's well odd, as soon as I'm in game, both first and third person the re-textured items look correct with my filters applied it's just in the menu and I'm confused if anyone understand me and knows how to help I'd REALLY appreciate it, so much that I might give you a virtual cookie.


This is driving me mildly insane.

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@Unavi No, I haven't created new normal maps, but the object when used in game looks fine, it looks detailed and correct, it is a fairly boring re-textured silver longsword and the issue lies purely in the menu.


@David Brasher As I mentioned in game the object looks fine, but in the menu it looks wrong, it looks like a shiny black version of the sword (and sheath) and when you turn it seems to blend right through my character, so I will turn him around to look at where the sword should be on his hip and it will look like it should be on the other side and so on and so forth.


Unfortunately my terrible PC I'm using (at the moment) and have to use for mods can't handle the real Photoshop so I have to stick with Photoshop Elements which you may know cannot be use channels, so I basically don't think I can create new normal maps, which sucks.

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GIMP should run on any NT-based version of Windows (NT4, 2000, XP or Vista). Older GIMP versions (2.0.x) could also work with older versions of Windows such as Windows 95 but they are not supported anymore. The amount of memory can be an important factor, especially if you intend to work on large images. A minimum of 128 MB of RAM is recommended, but the more RAM the better.


That's all they say about requirements. Worth a try, I'd say.

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