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Yes, it is an iffy post, but hey... what's the point of this suggestion part of the forums if no one suggests something?


Hermaphrodites. No one would want there character to be one... or would there?

One of my friends (whom I shall not name, and whom was high at the time he suggested it) thought it'd be cool to have herms in Oblivion. At the time I dismissed it, but then my creative mind (unhinder by drugs or any other substance, unlike my friend was) got to thinkin'. There ARE individuals that WOULD play something like that. But the questions remains: whom would make the mod? And would it be fair and include all of the intersexes? (that of course means herms with and without breasts, and if you'll pardon the wording, women with penises and men with vaginas).


That having been said, I hope my friend's high creativity, and my post are... um... well recieved.



-Ashura, the Chimera

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