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Blackwood Company


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Well, there is this mod. It doesn't let you take over the place, but makes

it a playable guild, it seems: Blackwood Company


However, it would not be too difficult to create a mod

that adds a way you could buy the place and then have

it as a player home or, perhaps, your personal guildhall,

as the head of the Fighter's guild could decide to take it over.


This would be a very good project for an aspiring modder, it would

need some quests, scripting, and dialogue, but none of the very difficult

things like custom meshes, armor, or animations.


I could give links to several tutorials that

would make pulling this off quite possible.

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I could give links to several tutorials that

would make pulling this off quite possible.


Tutorials would be good...very good ;D

Maybe you can post some, if I find some time between school stuff, I can try a bit for practise.

Maybe it's going to be good, I also would need a quest or something like that for a sword I'm going to make (or I'm making right now)

and when you could post some tutorials, I could combine these things...

However, you must have patience cuz I'm new to the scripting stuff and I'm in the middle of learning it..

And it could be a good idea to make the house the new house of the fighters guilds guildmaster.

And maybe you will find an awesome sword as surprise in the new masters guild house...who knows? ;)

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Here are some tutorials for you from the CS wiki:


An excellent quest tutorial is here: Click by Click Quest Tutorial

A tutorial for making a new shop: My First Shop

Scripted spell tutorial: My First Spell

Some scripting tutorials: My First Script

(It's a series, kind of)


Retexturing tutorials (using GIMP):

Retexturing Oblivion

Better Retextures


You probably don't need those two, but there still good to look over.


A very quick and easy way to make icons for your custom stuff: Creating Inventory Icons


Hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the Fighters Guild quests were sort of lame and few in number. And the quests were invariably on the other side of Cyrodiil. I don't use fast travel because it seems fake, and the Fighters Guild had me walking all over the place. I would have to walk past other Fighters Guild halls to reach the location of my contracts. I always figured the local guild hall should be in charge of the local contracts.


If a Blackwood Company mod had some quests for me to do, I think I would enjoy it.

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