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Easter Eggs And Computer Pranks


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This thread is for the sole perpose of telling people about the hidden things in games or programs you have found or heard about, or computer pranks you have played


in microst word type =RAND(200,99) hit enter


also in word use the auto correct feature to annoy friends or family by auto correct word like a or the to strange ones


change the mouse to left handed will also cause up set hehehehe


i ve heard rumor in microsoft excel 97 there is a flight sim if you type on the 97 line a word but i dont think its ever been proven

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i ve heard rumor in microsoft excel 97 there is a flight sim if you type on the 97 line a word but i dont think its ever been proven


I remember this at school - someone found it. It wasn't in Win97 though, think it was 98.


It wasn't very good.

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