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Mupltiple scripts in one conversation?


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I'm trying to make a small mod where the choices you make in a conversation activates different script. IE, answering "no" runs AnswerNoScript, "yes" runs AnswerYesScript. I cant put them in one script because combined they're too long for the editor.


Any suggestions on how to run them or perhaps run a script via another script.

Because then i could have a "superscript" choose between the two.


I know obse has a function called RunBatchScript, but every time i try to run obse_loader with er -editor parameter, i get a error message saying "Couldn't inject dll". obse works fine with the game exe though.


Oh. And if anyone know a way to fade the screen to black or make the character unable to run, only walk would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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As you might have guessed, result scripts are not designed for complicated scripting. Your best option is to make the result script change a variable or quest stage which can be detected from a quest script. You can also tailor responses based on conditions that also use that variable or quest stage so that you have 2 different responses (and scripts) for the same topic based on what answer was given before. It means more response entries, but also allows you to add variation within those entries (the actor getting progressively annoyed or happy based on what is said).
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Thanks for the quick reply.


But wont i need to specify which script is going to be run in the quest data section. The problem is that it's too much code to fit into one script (exceeded script length), so i have to run different scripts depending on their answers. So i'm wondering if it's possible to use the result script to run another script.

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So i'm wondering if it's possible to use the result script to run another script.

Technically yes, but since it's being called from a conversation rather than within normal play, attempting to do so would likely crash the game. As mentioned before, your best bet is to just make use of an already running (quest) script to record the responses and carry out the result at the end of the conversation. I could explain what I mean if you don't quite get it, but you would probably need to share your specific situation and what exactly you want to happen.

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