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Gentlemanne of Leisure Hat( s)


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I kindly ask and suggest a hat for the true Gentlemanne. I can't model, but I am proficient with the geck.






There is a retexture of the tophat to match the middle hat on the nexus somewhere.


A little backstory,

Then appeared a small, unimposing servante clad in green, who dared not even look upon the majesty of the Gentle Menne.


“G’day sirs”, he spoke, bowing. “I’m an imported worker from Dublin. Me father’s name is Patrick O’Donnel.”


The Gentle Manne of Leisure pruned at this ungentlemanlike locution. “And what might your name be?”


The servante whimpered. “Donald O’Donnel. You see, I was an accident.” The Gentle Menne nodded in understanding disapproval.


“Well then, let our names be knowne to you”, then reciprocated the first Gentle Manne. “I am Lord Lionel of Newcastle, a veritable Gentle Manne of Leisure!”


“And I am his companione of slightly lesser statusse, Sir Sinclair of Leicestershire.”


Impressed by these menne and their lofty titles, the Servante lifted his cranium to counte the quantity of hattes present on each Gentle Manne’s head. Aghaste was he to finde not one, not two, but three identical hattes stacked upon Lord Lionel’s heade! Imbued with wistfull madnesse, he endeavoured to aske the gentle manne:


“Please, sir… May I have a hat?”


“Ah-hah!” sneared Lord Lionel. “You are as presumptuous as you are poor and Irish! Tarnish notte the majesty of my tower of hattes.”


“I have maney hattes also but did not bringe them”, liede Sir Sinclair, so as not to deeme himself outclassed in the wake of his companione (outclassed though he were).

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