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We need killer plants


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The pit trap one wouldn't even need bloodsucking tentacles. Just make the pit's sides extremely steep and slippery, like the insides of a pitcher plant, and give the water at the bottom of the pit the power to kill you by something like super-rapid digestion.


Hey, how about doodlebugs? Antlions, aka doodlebugs, build big pits with steep, but loose, crumbly sides. Things that wander into the pit don't often escape, and the beastie at the bottom of the pit grabs it's prey with massive mandibles.


Spiddal Sticks from oblivion send out a big puff of spores whenever someone gets too close, so something like that should be fairly easy to do in fallout with some other plant.

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Another idea would be an exploding version of the Puffball fungus, they would basically be a plant version of landmines. They look like white balloons (actually I think there are some models for them in the game... though those things could be crab mirelurk eggs or something) and when something touches them then they explode to spread their spores.




1. Just have a small 'landmine' that is shaped like a white ball.

2. It may be possible to disarm or 'harvest' it but I'm not sure if it should be possible to replant it as a mine.

3. There may be someone you can sell them to who can turn them into food, drugs, or explosives for mines. Maybe puffballs can be harvested and turned into cherry bombs to make Bottlecap mines.

4. They cause damage by exploding, either creating toxic gas or a regular blast of shrapnel or something (could say they have hard seeds in them that act as shrapnel and cause damage). Also they release radiation when they explode... they may have been engineered to absorb radioactive fallout from the environment and trap it in their bodies. They are common and plentiful around areas of stagnant radioactive water. In theory, they would multiply and people could harvest them to extract all the fallout from the world and the puffballs would stop multiplying when the earth was cleaned up... unfortunatly they explode violently and cause nasty problems for survivors.

5. If its possible, have each explosion launch two or three seeds into the air and after a while the seed turns into another puffball that slowly grows to maturity. Kind of a self-replicating minefield, which would promptly turn life into a living hell for people if they aren't all cleared out.



Again, maybe there is a quest where you find one scientist who wants you to collect as many Puffballs as possible and she will turn them into stuff like cherry bombs or maybe radiation medicine (due to the radiation absorbing properties). When they explode they send out seeds that turn into more puffballs. You can harvest the Puffball itself which makes it non-explosive. Or you can trigger them and search for the seeds, then collect the seeds and drop them somewhere where they can grow into a puffball minefield. Puffball mines are never safe and will trigger for any living thing that gets near them.

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I think it be a really good idea. There were killer plants in Fallout 2, I can not remember if they were in Fallout 1. They took out a lot of the things that made Fallout, Fallout. They took out the good ol' 'Golden Gecko's', 'Killer Plants'(like you said). I could count many more.


Do not get me wrong, Fallout 3 is still the best game in the world, just yeah, I think they needed to keep some of the old creatures.

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