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Cannot download file


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Ok, to explain the problem in a bit more detail.


I want to download a mod for Fallout from the Fallout Nexus. Marts Mutant Mod to be exact.


But it seems i cannot download mods/files of this "size", as i have also tried downloading A Good Hair Day.


The problem is, that when i start downloading the file, everything seems funky-fresh and going well. Then i get to the "about half way point" (around 50%) and the download freezes. I ask the download to pause and unpause again in a hope of fixing the problem.


The file tells me to go f*** myself, by telling me that it cannot get acess to some temp file, and that it has a problem reading it.


I have tried downloading this file (and the other) with IE, Firefox, Opera and Chrome. None of them simply seem to GIVE me the file.


Smaller files seem to download just fine though. But these bigger once form the Nexus usualy mean trouble for me.


Can anyone help me? :thanks:

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Do you have this problem only with Nexus, or other sites too? To me the problem sounds like a problem with your ISP, as I haven't had any problems with any sized files, and I have downloaded over 400 mods (I live in Finland).


Another reason could be a download manager software, which most sites don't support, as they hog bandwidth.


One other thing that might prevent or stop your downloads is a internet security suite/program if you have a fragmented hard drive. That combination can cause serious problems when downloading.


Most problems with downloads are from those 3 reasons above, the ISP being the biggest suspect. It could also be a problem with the site though... :)


I hope that helps :)

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Thanks for the atempted help, but sadly i think i can dismiss all those.


The ISP allows me to download from every other thinkable site, and even most files from the Nexus. It seems to be the 100mb benchmark that hates me.


I use no download managers and use no protection (sounds weird, i know, but usualy i let common sense protect me from poo i should stay away from).


Here is the direct error i'm getting:



I love you people for helping me btw! :)

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I'm going to try that, leave it going for an hour or so. If there are no results, i'll be back here to nag you fine folk!


A great big THANK YOU ALL for the help thus far though, you guys are the best :banana:



Edit: Nope, when it's frozen. It's frozen. I could download mods from megaupload and others if they were hosted there, but sadly many don't seem to have these mirrors :(


EDIT AGAIN: I noticed that the download dosn't so much "freeze" it meerly stops downloading, hitting 0 kb/s. It's as if the server dosn't WANT to give me the file anymore... Anyone have any clues?

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The downloads from Nexus do have a tendency to take little breaks sometimes for me too, especially on the bigger (over 25Mb) files. Actually the whole files section does that once in a while... Maybe they should feed their hamsters better food :)
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I notice that your fail warning says "Try again later, or contact the server administrator"


Have you tried the second bit yet? Rumour is that he is quite intelligent and one would think he knows the system rather well.

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