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"Hey, gimmie your money!"


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We've all been through that random encounter where a thief walks up to you and says "Alright; hand over your valuables, or I'll gut you like a fish."


For the criminal minded, though, haven't you ever wanted to BE that guy?


Imagine if you could walk up to any random citizen who isn't a guard or court member, and demand all their money, gems, and jewelry (aka the most valuable things they are likely to have) from them. You would have to pass an intimidation speech check in order for it to work, but if you're powerful enough, you should be able to do that.


Whether you succeed or not, you'll get a bounty if you try this if your extortion is witnessed (or even by the victim himself, if he has enough confidence; for example, rich people are more likely to have faith in the guards doing their jobs than the poor).


Oh, and if the victims are armed with more than an iron dagger - or if they have housecarls who are armed as such - they may even fight back.


Any takers?

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