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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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If you joined the BoS, Enclave, or made your own army, who would win in your battles? What war's would your new force cause?


What will you choose to do?

I use the Enclave for the officer hats and a tasty snack for my cannibals. They have the cleanest meat. As for what would my army do? I am an army of one and I create chaos where ever I wander--I don't need a war. ;) This is a very fun and interesting topic I might add!

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Thanks for the information folks, I greatly appreciate it. I'm working my way through the MQ right now, enjoying it. I think this time around i'll "join" the enclave and destroy them from the inside and use it as my own support group until later destroying them, along with BOS. I hate the ass hats. haha. I'll see how it goes though. ^_^



-Jake aka Bass

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Some people don't like that Casdin will put on Enclave armor when you turn it in for the tech rewards....well, wouldn't you? There's too much emphasis on uniforms and "gang colors" if you will, than doing what you need to do to survive and triumph. I agree that after you first blow up Raven Rock and bring back all those suits of armor and plasma rifles, the BOS should trade up and wear the better gear. But, i guess ultimately the point of this is so in-game you can tell who's who.


I did just notice last night while playing that after i blew up Raven Rock, i found an Enclave field post that had been overrun by raiders. I don't recall exactly where it was but the Enclave barriers had the usual raider spray paint and it was generally wrecked and had dead Enclave soldiers outside with a coupe raiders inside. It was funny seeing a raider in his raider armor, wearing a Tesla helmet and packing a .32 (no idea why he didn't pick up the plasma rifle).

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Yeah, I think that's an easter egg. I also think the BOS did not change to Enclave armor is because they wanted to make there current power armor just as good as that, like you see in Broken Steel. (The scribes are expirementing with Enclave Armor)
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Fallout Brotherhood of Steel makes a appearance in New Vegas, I don't know to what extent but I know you would like that.


I think I would like to redo my way of taking over just the Capital Wasteland instead slinging for various areas from Fallout 1-Tactics. I think you should redo the thread as not everyone can be a Vault Dweller so why not limit us and make some serious thinking going into it instead of "if I was the Lone Wanderer"?

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Fallout I can level with you on that, I'm redoing MQ with a good character, that means no stealing, no bad karma choices or perks and I can't use bad companions such as Clover or Jericho(=( ) so far with Charon and Butch we've tore through the ass hat of a Enclave and I'm currently heading to Vault 87 to kick some mutty ass. I figure the way I've done everything so far is pretty cannon or atleast in line with what Dad would do and it actually rewards that same as a raider type character. I wiped out slavery(I cleared Paradise Falls and the Pitt I left alone in Ashurs car as he has the right motivation and stealing baby is against said Dad morals) and I helped spread the green of Osasis to the Wasteland as well as cleanup some of those nasty Raiders.
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i like your idea about bieng a good, civil character. Although, due to my upcoming mod release (Death's Island) I will probably be a neutral sort of character, cause i'm gonna be the Grim Reaper.

I got a neutral character challenge for you then.


A neutral character would be one with maxed skills and all non alignment based perks, that would mean using intelligence and perception to complete Wasteland Survival Guide, not joining the Brotherhood of Steel or Enclavem not using FEV, mediating peace between ghouls and Tenpenny Tower, telling Zimmer Harkness is dead then telling Harkness who/what is and have him kick Zimmer off the boat, forcing both The Mechanist and the Antangionizer to leave Canturbury Commons without violence and granting Harold's wish for death. A neutral character is a pain in the ass if you do it and my list still nets you good karma and bad karma to remain neutral. In the interest of greated good you HAVE to kill all slavers in Paradise Falls and only help Fawkes not get him/her as a companion as well only Butch and Sergeant RL-3 will be ones allowed to accompany you. If you follows this with occasional karma rebalancing you can be a true neutral character inw hich neutral perks will be greatly optimized.


This is small list of what can do for some things:

For at end of MQ you can kill Autumn or let him live, choice is yours,

YOU may enter the purifer code or you can send Fawkes(as it's smartest choice) destroying or making Sarah do it is bad but you doing is partialy good but also for greater good.

You can ignore or kill Arkansaw, though he is just defending his town.

You may kill Moriaty or not, he's a evil male without a father though negative karma from killing him may be needed for karma rebalancing to stay neutral.

By my own rules you have to help the Brotherhood in that one area and all of them must survive however killing them afterwards is allowed since theirn useless and not really canon.

As a side requirement you must save the small forager ant colony from bigger ants, it's just plain awesome to have non enemy ants so save them.

Another requirement is giving out purified water isn't allowed, neutral means for the greater not single man and sicne your serving it no water for beggars.

Final requirement is you may not use the command console, not even if your stuck, save frequently and play the game like a hardass.


If you can do this Fallout your have a badassry streak.

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