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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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Numbers I'll give you, but size alone is no measure of military might. Paladin Lyons swept through Pittsburgh, annihilating the raiders with only one significant casualty. Seems to me that power armor, heavy weapons, and most importantly, training are much greater factors in determining military strength.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I would Either side with the BoS or Make my own force and work WITH them, the enclave may have better weapons and armor, but Armageddon has happened, you wont be able to bring America let alone the world back to the way it was, and their methods are..... Extreme to say the least.


my own forces would consist of anyone i could muster, i would train them, and also fight along wise them, slaves, mutants, ghouls, anyone who wanted to join, i would bring them all together under one banner, the world cannot go back to how it was, the enclave is deluded and divided & the brotherhood of steel dosnt have the manpower to restore order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Siding with one of the faction's just wouldn't work for me as I know I can and do single handily wipe most of them out, not that they couldn't destroy themselves just fine on there own, I would make my own faction. I'll be making this example in the time line after Broken steal.I'll also leave out mother ship zeta as it is kinda silly and arming a army with alien weapons would be way over powered.


First off. Armory. I have at any point, around twenty suits of fully repaired power armor (could be in the hundreds but caps are needed), which would make a well armored core for any army as for weapons. At a very early point in the game you can get a Fatman and mini-nuke's and at this moment I have one of every weapon in the game (plus most from quite a few mods) at full repair which I could easily expand in to the hundreds, while maintaining good relations with whichever faction ruled The Pit would maintain a fair amount of ammunition. Now for a base any of the old military base's would due at least until I formed the core of my military but for this example lets say Fort Constantine. As for feeding, clothing, and medicine I'll cover that in my "Economy" section.


Second. Recruitment. It would be simple to raise a army as every halfwit in the waste seems to be able to do it. So in this example I'm assuming I sided with the BoS and wiped out the enclave. First I would simply make the core of my army out of the followers you normally gather, with the offer of safety, shelter, and moderate living conditions which would attract at least a few people, as well as any raiders, ex-enclave, outcast, BoS and so forth who would join me, which some surely would as you are pretty much a legend at this point forming my core army, traders, farmers, hunters, and more out of those who join.


Third. Economy and supply. By this point I'd be growing my base from a abandon military base to a makeshift city. Assuming you completed "The Superhuman Gambit" and funded the roving traders it would be easy to get them to add a extra stop on there way through the waste. I could then acquire water from the water caravans however they'd probably demand you provide some security on at least the caravans going to your city, which would be a minor but necessary drain on my military. As your force's would be in the area anyways if you completed "point lookout" you could also acquire punga fruit which has the added effect of removing radiation. Early on I would also start a recon/hunting group to patrol my borders and acquire some "edible" (I use that very loosely) food and possible start a small farming operation which seems possible judging by point lookout and FONV farms


Forth. My faction and the waste. Other then talon company most factions are friendly with me. I could possible influence the BoS to provide a small guard by giving them a small area within my territory for a outpost as I have also done quite a bit of work for the regulators I could probably influence them to send a small group to my "city" and form a way point or outpost. Having great relations with most groups in the waste my faction would be generally welcome or at least neutral with all major settlements.


Fifth. Technology. In order to preserve and ultimately improve technology I would invite the most competent of the wasteland and supply them with all they need to do what no one seems to be able to do and that is ultimately improve technology.


Sixth. This isn't so much a step as something I'd implement from the beginning. Governing and conquering the wasteland. At some point I would have a large force and many allies allowing for the possibility of multiple city's, and at some point my faction could compare to the NCR in size. As for governing I would use more of a Greek city state or a outright empire style.


Seventh. My character. My stats are. 6 strength, 7 perception, 6 endurance, 8 charisma, 9 intelligence, 3 agility, 1 luck and of course increasing them by one for bobble heads. As I generally rely on knowing my enemies are there and then overwhelming them with my normally high technology armor and weapons while keeping them in good repair and maintaining large ammunition reserves through barter, and healing through any damage rather then avoiding or soaking damage up. But what I see as a well rounded character would also make a good leader by default.


I left out a few things such as warring with talon company (which is sure to happen as I wouldn't hire them beyond the early days) and destroying the super mutants but over all it seems it would and probably could work but seeing as this is anywhere from a few years up to twenty year plan plenty can go wrong.

Edited by zombierelic
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  • 3 months later...

For all their advantages, the Enclave has accomplished nothing. Their plan for the future is pants-on-head stupid. They tried to steal my dead parent's legacy. They want to kill everyone I've met since leaving the Vault because racism. They're the same people who blew up the world with their shoddy leadership in the first place.


I can see why people might support the Enclave, because if they were sane, they could do a lot of good. They're not sane, though.


Lyon's Brotherhood has fought a two decade long war against Super Mutants. They have the relative goodwill of Rivet City, the largest settlement, and enough martial might to deal with Val 87, Paradise Falls, and Evergreen Mills. I think their leader's daughter (and future heir) kind of likes me. Why, with a little bit of guidance, they might actually make the Capital Wasteland be not the worst place in existence anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would take President Eden's offer on the condition that he not poison the water. Then, as Commander of The Armed Forces, I would first destroy the Raiders and hire Talon Company to fight the Supermutants. I would save The BoS until last, as they would be fighting the mutants the whole time. I would hand out water to civilians and broadcast more propaganda, as well as securing and fixing up the old Vaults to use as homes for people in the CW. to get the people of The CW on my side. I would offer protection to Rivet City and attempt to get the fighters on it working. I would send Sigma Teams into Vault 87 with enough Mini Nukes to collapse the Vault on itself. Then the remaining Supermutants would be hunted down and destroyed. Eventually I would take The Pitt and try to find a cure for the Trog disease. With that, I would have a consolidated power base on The East Coast and a springboard to expand across the US, slowly but surely.
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Do you really think that Eden would want to find a cure for the Trog disease? He'd just as soon destroy each and every one who is or could be infected. He's an emotionless machine who sees only disease for which the only real cure is death. He wouldn't agree to your plan there, because his goals aren't the unification of the country. They are the destruction of all those who are unclean. That includes your character, but you're useful so he'll let you think you can live for a little longer.
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Well in Raven Rock he says he only has command over the robotic elements of The Enclave. When Colonel Autumn orders the human troops to disobey President Eden's order they all obey. So I could do those things. And Eden does want to rebuild, but only for Pure Humans. He wants a Pure America. If the people are still human with only minor differences, like the citizens of The CW then I would use them as workers and cannon fodder. And if Enclave Scientists could find a cure for the Trog Disease then I would use it as a bargaining chip with The Pitt to get them to accept Enclave Rule. My method would have greater numbers of people under the Enclave flag and lead to a safer America. Then I would eventually have to deal with the factions out west. Luckily I have an Alien Death Ray.
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But what is the definition of "Pure Human"? Your character doesn't fit that deffinition, since he/she was born outside the vaults and exposed to the wasteland, and your father trekked across the country being exposed to radiation and FEV. Nobody fits the description except someone descended from a sealed vault, raised in a bubble. It's not just citizens of the CW, or The Pitt, that would be killed off if Eden gets his way. It's everyone, or very nearly. The human population would be lowered to record lows, allowing only those deemed "Pure" to survive.


Certainly your method would be a better one. And if that were what the goal as-presented to you in-game was... well I would gladly fight you as a proper evil adversary, my good man. I like my evil spiced with the idea that it might be better for all of us. It makes it more fun to fight against.

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If President Eden did go through with his plan then the population would be too low for Humanity to ever recover. The only way for humans to rebuild is too all join together under The Enclave. One America. One Enclave. And you would make a proper good adversary for me to fight. And I'm glad you think my idea is good. Plus it would actually make people (Other than that old guy in Megaton) in The CW like The Enclave. Edited by LoneWanderer926
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