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A new slate


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Hey, I recently reinstalled my copy of Fallout 3, removing all the mods and save files. I want to start fresh.


I have a certain type of game in mind, and I was wondering if anyone could help me find mods that will put me in the right direction.


I'd like a fast paced shooter, with health that regenerates when you duck behind cover like most modern shooting games. I want a lot of roleplaying choices, as well. No body mods or race mods (unless there is a Kajiit for F3, then I would DEFINATLY want that!) Also, perhaps some more non-combat oriented things, like gambling or quests with just talking. That would be awesome too. As for house mods... i'd like a bunch of wasteland themed ones, not supervaults.


If you know of some mods that you think i'd like, post em here! Kudos for all who do.

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