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Mod ideas


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i got alot of mod ideas but im not a moder so i put this topic up




new armys/factions





and more


i will put ideas up everynow and then

but if you take an idea thank who you got it from


scroll down and look for mod ideas

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This is the request section.


"new armys/factions


and other stuff"


That is not sufficient, please be clear and specific. No one will do the request if you're going to post ideas like that.


I'm slow to understand. What do you mean by thank who you got it from ? You mean we should thank and credit you for the ideas that you post here if modders use them? :blush:

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by thank who you got it from i mean give credit (in the mod Description) to who ever posted the idea that you made a mod of



and i said i will put up ideas up everynow and then


my friend typed this when i was cooking


what i ment is thank the person by pming them and saying thanks or on this forum

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Halo WAR mod ideas


new faction: Covenant (Alians) alian's trying to kill all the humans

Covenant classes

grunt: small, weak and dumn, main unit, uses plasma pistols and needlers, strong in large numbers tho

jackle:small, weak but smart, are snipers, uses beam rifles

Drone: small, weak and dumn, stays in groups, flys, uses plasma pistols and needlers

brute: normal human size, Strong and smart, the leaders of the Covenant uses brute shot


new fraction : UNSC (Marines) human's trying to save the earth from the vile covenant

UNSC classes

Melee: normal size, strong and smart, uses swords and knives

riflemen:normal size, avrage strength and smart, uses hunting rifles

gunner:normal size, avrage strength and smart, uses assault rifles and battle rifles

heavy gunner:normal size, strong and smart,uses heavy guns

sniper:normal size, avrage strength and smart, uses sniper rifles

spartan:comander and super soldier normal size, strong and smart, uses anything they can get


new weapons: needler: a full auto gun that shoots exploding needles

beam rifle: a sniper that shoots a beam rather than the 308 bullet

spiker: a full auto gun that shoots nonesplodin needles

battle rifle: a burst (3 shot) assault rifle

brute shot: 2 handed grenade launcher wich a blade on the back


weapon remodels:

plasma pistol: a smother rounder version

plasma rifle: a slicker blue firing one handed version


new air transports:phantom: Covenant transport has 3 plasma canons and pelican: UNSC transport has front rockets and a rear chain gun


and 2 new bases one undergound Pre-war base for the UNSC and one in the air on a ship for the Covenant

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I'd have to disagree with you there. I do not think idea contributors should be credited at all unless the author insists. If I were to credit idea contributors in my mod, it would be a few pages long, I would include all of my favourite artists, fellow modders that inspired me, all those who PM'd me for suggestions, etc.... :mellow: Ideas are easy to come by, by contributing ideas it only means that you support the mod, it doesn't give one the right to be credited. One may contribute ideas and type them out all day but in the end of the day, nothing is really done. Modders/beta testers get credit because they're the ones doing all the work.


Also, please use the edit button and not bump the thread. Thanks.

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The edit button can't be used to bump the thread.....unless you mean some else with it.


The value taken from the contributions of idea givers would entirely depend on the attitude (Do you know the person.), the workload (How much do you have to work on it), originality and goal (Fulfilling a request, just executing an idea, or building a lot on a basic idea).


Someone telling to create a weapon, or 'a place where you can eat and sleep.' probably wouldn't get that/ deserve that much credits, similar to things anyone could have thought upon. If someone is giving a very detailed description, which is fully thought through, usable for a modder and basically would make things easier to mod...then it's different. But still, a modder creates this and this a community which means sharing. Owning an idea only translated to things used in a mod. As everyone could create a house, but creating a house from an existing mod...that's gonna get you in trouble. Other than that it's not the fact someone owns and idea, but the fortunate thing that someone puts a lot of time in it to create the mod for you.


A little hint to magnum...don't think someone will 'steal' your idea by asking for a PM. People mostly don't bother to as they are either afraid they don't like the details, the do-ability or the freedom they have in creating it. It's best to state as much as you think to be fitting for the idea to get more people interested in creating this, until someone sees and thinks to realize it...which is difficult these days. Modders aren't jumping for ideas, they carefully watch around and maybe take an idea if it fits in their busy schedule of life or mods they are working on.

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Well said, I totally agree with you there. By the way, he could have used the edit button to post his ideas. Look at the post time, it's 30 minutes after his previous post. Shouldn't have posted a second time hence bumping the thread.
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Haha, sorry totally misread that one.. Talking about overlooking things :)..Yeah true.

Editing one post keeps things organized as well as it's not abruptly ended or short.

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Hey this is amber the REAL MAGNUM162 i say real couse my cousin set up my acount and uses it i just changed my pass so he cant get on my acount can someone tell me how to remove the fourm


i like halo but i dont think halo and fallout 3 mix


my cousen LOVES halo he thinks halo gose with everything

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