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Real Dovahkiin Armor and Sword


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so sorry guys if you mindf*cked with my request,look here is the big picture,ancient nord hero armor is fine,but that's only the draugr who wear them and they not look badass,you know what i'm saying???

so i want you guys,to make studded armor and iron gauntlets,helmet,boots look like ancient nord hero armor,BUT,not a replacer and only the player who wear them and the colour is brighter than ancient nord hero armor cause' that armor (the one i requested) is not an ancient but a nord hero armor and the one who wear them is dovahkiin

and for the sword ancient nord hero sword has dovah word around it,and i want you to put this word from ancient nord hero sword to steel sword and the name is nord hero sword and the only one who obtain that sword is dovahkiin


so,did you get me??

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you see,let me get this straight,you know studded armor right,it has a white steel iron in the middle and the shoulders too,and there's an brown scaled animal skin and an ancient nord hero armor,it has brown and green scaled animal skin and dark steel in the middle and the shoulders too right??

so i want you to combine that armor (Studded Armor) in to one armor and look very badass for dovahkiin

and so do for the rest of it

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I thought it was? Ancient Nord Armor with Studded and Iron stats. Fyi, it was literally just a change of weight and they are in the Underforge.

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