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Dialogue for Wrinklies


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Being of a rather advanced age, I find myself most often creating characters that reflect the high mileage on my lifeometer. That usually means grey hair (or no hair), lots of scars, and as much weathering as the presets permit. (BTW, if there's a mod that enables one to create a seriously aged toon I'd like to be informed.) I'd like to create a character on the order of Pratchett's "Cohen the Barbarian." I've never tried Chargen so don't know how to use it. 'Course, Cohen's still got a lot of interest when it comes to the ladies...young or old. Myself, I find that attractive young women are kinda like sleek sports cars...nice to look at but expensive to have around.


Anyway, to get to the point, I'd like there to be a mod that not only permits creation of an aged character, but also alters dialogue with npcs, etc. to reflect the relative age of my toon. Also, it'd be nice if there were widder wimmen in the game that are looking for a partner with whom they could spend their twilight years. Creative intimate interaction is all good, so no teeth in a spouse could be an advantage. Skilled in the kitchen is also a plus.

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Um, Consistent older people should be a must-have.

The dialogue, I cannot help you with.

There exists an Elder race, but I don't know how to get that race playable.

But for stuff like battle taunts and so on, there's the Player Voicesets mod. You'd still have to manually put in the dialogue form VoiceMaleOldGrumpy, or VoiceMaleOldKind if you want to be that grampa.

From what I know, marrying an Elder race NPC isn't possible due to missing dialogue. Best you do is getting My Home Is Your Home, make them follow you and put them into your house.

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Unless you wanted it to sound like "young'uns" doing bad impersonations of their grandparents, you'd have to find some voice actors of a similar vintage to record the dialog. The good news there is that it's far easier to find older people who remember when we had great actors and great movies, and who have some skill at delivering a line - from John Wayne to Clark Gable to Carey Grant to Jimmy Stewart, or even Jackie Mason, which would be hilarious to hear in Skyrim - surely you can find a few people nearby who are suitably young-minded but well-worn to participate?


Then again, if you're like me, you find hanging out with people your own age to be a drag, as they're just a bit "too grown up for that kid-stuff" to be any fun, or of any real use :lol:

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Thanks for the input. I did a quick search and found that there're two "elder race" mods. Had no idea which one was most skilfully created so picked one and downloaded it. It's now installed in my presets and I'm running an old fart character. So far so good. He's got his work cut out for him, as I'm running vanilla Requiem with Frostfall and RND activated.

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