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Orcs and Society


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It's interesting. I've the impression that Orcs are generally regarded as second class citizens, being defined as muscle heads and slow on the uptake. However, npc dialogue doesn't reflect that. Dark Elves seem to be put down while Orcs aren't. If I'm right about Orcs, it's be kind of interesting if Orc status in society was more clearly defined with dialogue and interaction designed to reflect that.

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Orismer can be Dragonborn and as such get much greater respect then the average Orc fresh out of the stronghold. Then there are other Orc's who are valued for their mastery of blacksmithing so some Orc's are better liked than say joe blow labourer Orc.

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The racial perspectives is better in Skyrim (compared to the practically hippy-love-in of Oblivion) but it's still short by a long shot.

It is true that the Orcs are generally viewed as rather 'primitive' compared to the other races (though i wouldn't say slow witted or dim) but the Empire in particular has a deep respect for them, as they have formed a backbone of the Legion for almost 300 years.


It should also be noted that there are two kinds of Orcs. There are those from the Strongholds, and those for Orsinium. Orsinium is the reason that the Orcs are respected, and has been a loyal subject of the Empire since the Warp in the West. It is a city like any other, with priests, scholars, warriors, merchants etc. and likely the source of the more 'Samurai' like Orcish armour we saw in Morrowind.


In Skyrim in particular, the Nords have a rather begrudging respect for the Orcs. They've held up rather well to literally thousands of years of attempted genocide on the part of the Nords, and have been able to give as well as get while not being dicks about the whole thing.


The Dunmer, on the other hand, have a violent and hate filled history with the Nords, and are generally not well liked ANYWHERE on Tamriel.

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The Dunmer, on the other hand, have a violent and hate filled history with the Nords, and are generally not well liked ANYWHERE on Tamriel.

Anywhere except Morrowind you mean.


Given the close proximity of the orc strongholds to the cities of Skyrim (i.e. in the same country) its no surprise that they've become more and more accepted as time goes on, as opposed to the Dunmer, who only arrived in Skyrim fairly recently. This is also reflected by the fact that, even without the strongholds, Skyrim has about 10 times as many Orc NPCs as Oblivion.

Edited by scissorhands
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The Dunmer, on the other hand, have a violent and hate filled history with the Nords, and are generally not well liked ANYWHERE on Tamriel.

Anywhere except Morrowind you mean.



Nah, Dunmer kill each other even more often than others do. Their entire social order is based on murder, assassination and violence.

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