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Quick question


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When Relmyna Verenim uses the spell Echalted Pain on you, a shader plays, a shader I've never seen before. Does anyone know the name of that effect.

I just had a look in the Cs and the spell form ID is called SE09SacrificeSpell which is a script effect spell. But the script is on Relmyna herself.


It's a very long script, but this is the part that applies to that spell and the effect shader.


;Handles the noble sacrifice scene in SE09
if playerSacrifice == 1
	SERelmynaVerenimRef.pushActorAway player 1
	cast SE09SacrificeSpell player
	player.playMagicShaderVisuals effectAtronachStorm 10
	AddTopic SE09ExaltedPain
	set playerSacrifice to 2



So it's the effectAtronachStorm with a duration of 10 seconds.


Your other topic re idle animations which I also answered. :smile: - this script in it's entirety would be of help since it forces Relmyna to use Idles via the PickIdle command.

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