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No Karma


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I've always hated the Karma system in Fallout. To me it was always out of place and not needed, even to the point of ruining parts of the game to me.


To sort of show my hate for this system, I'll point to a different Bethesda game that does this better: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Skyrim is a high fantasy game with elves and magic, a game where a morality system wouldn't be out of place. But here, there's nothing: Besides the crime system (Which I wouldn't consider a morality system at all) the only thing guiding the player is their own moral compass.


Then jump over to Fallout: A game taking place after the world has ended, a place with mutated creatures and drug addicted psychos who would kill you just because they find it funny. This is a game where a morality system can feel out of place for some (like myself) because THIS is the game where the player should be guided by their own judgement on right and wrong.


So I had hoped that someone would have removed this system already via moding, but I've not seen anything. So I would like to turn to the community to see if anyone would like to make this for me (I've been a tad busy lately and I don't really feel like learning to do this right now).


This would probably be sufficiently done by scripting it so that Karma doesn't change when it normally would and hiding the icon and sound when Karma would be changed. This seems like it would be enough to me.

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