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Horse-pulled wagons/carts


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Well, I like animal storage things, and, I just thought, 'Why not have a horse be able to pull a cart or wagon that has storage/opening abilities?' xD Well, I was wondering if someone could make a purchaseable buck board/wagon that can move. Say, the active animal you are riding (The one that is 'Stabled outside the city gate), will be able to pull a cart. It could have a effect on them, like make them go slower, I dont care xD. But anyways, when ever you activate the cart, a menu will pop up saying something like "Hitch horse, Unhitch horse, activate storage" I know this would be hard to have the horse hitched and unhitched, not to mention the wood pieces attaching to the horse. Maybe you could just have a place that sells the horses anomaticly attached, and when you by them, you can give them comands like stay, follow, etc. They wouldnt fight, as it woul be hard for them to fight while attached to a wagon/cart. Sorry if this sounds impossible, but its worth a shot... :thanks:
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It's been done before, it acted chubby. The ones that are capable of are still working on it, but it's a very difficult job that not many can do..let alone being successfully, let alone it looking all good. This is an often returning question with the same answer, unless someone jumps out and is able to it'll not get there.
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