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Oblivion Carryovers That Don't Make Sense


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I dunno about you, but I think that some of the carryovers from Oblivion are ridiculous. Let's start with the biggest and most difficult to fix, shall we?



Armor and Damage Resistance:

Wearing ultra-super-uber boots of 85% DR shouldn't make headshots hurt any less. Oblivion didn't have localized damage, so the system worked OK. Now, I'm not totally against DR, as it's an alright alternative to the more logical "all damage below X is ignored" armor systems. I am annoyed that somebody wearing power armor without a helmet will get massive resistance to me shooting them in the head.


Is it possible to change to the flat damage reduction type armor? Is it possible to make the armor calculated per body part? (I think it might be possible to attach scripts to items that change the actor's body part multipliers, but I'm not sure.) While I'd like both of these, either one would satisfy me.



STOOPIT Gun Limitations:

In Oblivion, you couldn't have a weapon out while sitting because, well, bows and melee weapons are very difficult to use from a sitting position. With guns though, not only can you feasibly use them while sitting, shooting while sitting is more accurate than shooting standing. Along these lines, shooting in a prone position is even more accurate (or approximately equal, depending on if you have a table or not).


Does anyone know if the GECK can enable shooting while sitting? A reduction in spread would be nice. Prone shooting I cannot do at all, as my animation experience is null.



Put in the Requests forum because there are some things which would definitely require not-me type modders.

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