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What's the mod that's causing problems?


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I can't figure it out.The mods I have are causing a CTD when using a save file, and starting a new game locks me at the title screen with no menu infinitely... And I've noticed some people have a loadorder.txt to show, but I don't... So I'm going to list off the plugins shown in NMM instead... I'd really like to figure out what's wrong...None of the load-order programs like BOSS work, and they didn't really follow what each mod needed for the load order for them to work properly. And YES, I know Magic Duel Reborn is very glitchy, but it didn't fix the problem when I removed the mod. I'm completely drawing a blank on this one... They were working a while ago when I used them...


  • Skyrim.esm
  • Update.esm
  • Dawnguard.esm
  • Dragonborn.esm
  • HearthFires.esm
  • MagicDuelReborn.esm
  • MagicDuelReborn-Shouts.esp
  • SkyUI.esp
  • portal2mod.esp
  • Artifact Disenchanting.esp
  • Artifact Disenchanting-Dragonborn.esp
  • Artifact Disenchanting-Dawnguard.esp
  • FormsEdit.esp
  • Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp
  • HarvestOverhaulDawnguard.esp
  • HarvestOverhaulSalmonRoe.esp
  • AchieveThat.esp
  • UFO-Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
  • UFOTweak.esp
  • moveit.esp
  • Chemistry2.9.1.esp
  • Ars Metallica.esp
  • Ars Metallica-Hearthfire.esp
  • Ars Metallica-Dragonborn.esp
  • Ars Metallica-Dawnguard.esp
  • Magecraft.esp
  • HolmwoodNahkin.esp
  • Shortcuts.esp
  • _tck_SpellCrafting.esp
  • The Scribes Lectern.esp
  • Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
  • ForgottonMagic_Redone.esp
  • Sneak Tools.esp
  • Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
  • Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
  • Black Mage Armor.esp
Edited by DovahBreen
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I don't understand the problem. CTD means Crash To Desktop. Are you experiencing a crash at the menu or a freeze at the menu? Or is it freezing when you try to load a save? Or are all of these things happening inconsistently?

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I don't understand the problem. CTD means Crash To Desktop. Are you experiencing a crash at the menu or a freeze at the menu? Or is it freezing when you try to load a save? Or are all of these things happening inconsistently?

Well, as I said(although I may have failed to explain correctly)"The mods I have are causing a CTD when using a save file, and starting a new game locks me at the title screen with no menu infinitely"

There's something with my load order/mod setup that causes the game to crash to desktop when loading a save file, while starting a new game LITERALLY just shows the Skyrim symbol shown on the title screen and nothing else besides the background for quite a while, and waiting has no effect. I will test out Rhowington's suggestion and see if it fixes the problem.

Didn't work. Although, I'll keep that specific part in mind if I end up just resetting my mods and trying a new setup.(I'd prefer not, these mods are very nice to have)Thanks for the tip anyway.

Edited by DovahBreen
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