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I double posted a few times and noone made a big deal about it. I was at newgrounds in the day and people were making a big deal when I did this. They had so many rules literly had to sweat what I was writing I think I wrote three things and two got taken down everyone else seamed to be doing whatever they wanted I'm like what is this about! anyway If I'm breaking any rules let me know? So I can start sweating what I'm writing again :biggrin: jk ( ahhh IDK just curious I guess )
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Welcome to TheNexus

Yes, we do have rules here. Most are common sense (which some people seem to be lacking). It you would like to actually read what you agreed to when you skipped it signing up. Look up in the top row on the left - Where it says "The Nexus Forums . Terms of Service ' etc. Click on the terms of service. It may keep you out of my gunsights.


Double posting is considered a minor infraction, and is often accidental. Just don't make a habit of it.

What will get my attention is flaming or trolling. Be nice, don't try to pick fights, don't try to get the final word in an argument - That is mine.

Bbne46, Moderator

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