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Problems with my mod after upgrading


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So I have this mod that I've been building for months and I have the issue where people have been playing the mod as I have been adding stuff through updates, but now I have come to an update where I have moved several things in my cell from one spot to another and because of the skyrim savegame system, several of the persistent references remain where they were before, and other items moved just fine. But the result is a mess and several people can't really utilize the mod to its fullest because though the mod will function perfectly for a new character, any character already vested in it will experience issues...


So my quest is; is there any way of fixing this "post upgrade" bug. I don't even know what term to use or how to search for it online, I haven't had much luck. I've considered savegame editors, but I can't really emulate the problem people have been having so as to troubleshoot it

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When you have people upgrade to v.8.3 from v.8.2 and they are using NMM for the upgrade, instruct them to first uninstall the previous version, close NMM, open NMM and then install v.8.3. This will clear anything left over in the cache.

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