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Forlorn Watchman's daughter


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The daughter of the Forlorn Watchman is alive and well in Imperial City, living in the Talos or Temple district.

Her name is Angelie, I think?


Anyway, a little mod that would let you tell her that her dad was the watchman and that you freed his spirit would be kinda cool. She'll already tell you that her dad was lost at sea, so adding some lines after that should be easy enough. Maybe she could even give a little reward?

An example:

"Lost at sea? Wait..you're Angelie GRANTHAM? I met your father. He was the Forlorn Watchman! In fact, I've been looking for you. He wanted me to give you this."


Better yet, maybe the Watchman could tell you to find her? No, wait, too hard. Instead, just add a note to his treasure chest saying to keep everything except one thing, a locket would be good, and to take it to her? It would have to be written in the way a living guy who doesn't expect to be dead soon would write it, not thanking the player for his service but instead asking whoever found the chest to take the locket to his daughter.


Just a little mod to make things a wee more flavorful. The tricky part would be in not messing up any other dialog trees or quests, which should be easy enough, but I've seen some weird things happen sometimes. I once tried a mod once, for example, that only did one thing, which was to change the amount of money you could bet at the arena. That wound up totally trashing three quests! So, yeah, be careful. Thanks to anyone who might actually try this one.

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