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Pink Raiders


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Yeah that's what it says. Maybe it's something to do with my ArchiveInvalidation thing ?

You mean to say maybe it isn't working? I think it has two settings if you're using the FOMM one. I have used that one but I think I also downloaded the separate archive invalidation invalidated mod by Qarn, so I'm not sure I needed to use FOMM's.


How did you delete roberts male stuff? Did you dig around in your Characters folder?

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You mean to say maybe it isn't working?


Maybe. But then again, I just turned it off to see what would happen. Loaded the game, the raiders just get the default underwear now instead of using the Breeze mod.


Do you have the Geck installed?


No. Wasen't aware I needed it. Do I ? I thought it was only to actually make mods.

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You mean to say maybe it isn't working?


Maybe. But then again, I just turned it off to see what would happen. Loaded the game, the raiders just get the default underwear now instead of using the Breeze mod.


Do you have the Geck installed?


No. Wasen't aware I needed it. Do I ? I thought it was only to actually make mods.


No you don't need it. But it makes it a lot easier to understand what a mod is doing and where it's looking to find what it's looking for, if you know how it's made it's easier to fix it, --> you know, same as motors and computers.

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No you don't need it. But it makes it a lot easier to understand what a mod is doing and where it's looking to find what it's looking for


Ah ok. So I just tried to use the male textures and put them in the raider folder. No change. How would I go about just restoring them to the vanilla skins ? Just deleting everything to do with the raiders in the textures folder right ? Why doesen't that work ?


Guess I can try installing the Geck. Hope it's easier to DL and use than the one for DAO.

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No you don't need it. But it makes it a lot easier to understand what a mod is doing and where it's looking to find what it's looking for


Ah ok. So I just tried to use the male textures and put them in the raider folder. No change. How would I go about just restoring them to the vanilla skins ? Just deleting everything to do with the raiders in the textures folder right ? Why doesen't that work ?


Guess I can try installing the Geck. Hope it's easier to DL and use than the one for DAO.



Well it is easier than the one for DAO by far, but if you've never modded for Oblivion, it might be a little confusing.


Don't worry about that, though. It may be more trouble than it's worth.


Can I see your mod load list?

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Mod load order report


! Warning: current load order template contains 13 duplicate entries




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template










* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template






* This mod does not exist in the current template








Mart's Mutant Mod.esm






Feng Shui.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template


Ghouls Cohabitate.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template


MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp


Original Moira Brown.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template


MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.esp




* This mod does not exist in the current template


Tailor Maid.esp


Tailor Maid Anchorage.esp


Requires Anchorage.ESM


Tailor Maid Black Retex.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template


Tailor Maid PITT.esp


Requires ThePitt.ESM


Tailor Maid Brokensteel.esp


Requires BrokenSteel.ESM


Tailor Maid ZETA.esp


Requires Zeta.ESM




AER10V2 Laser Rifle.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




Mart's Mutant Mod.esp


Requires Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp


Requires Anchorage.ESM


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp


Requires ThePitt.ESM


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp


Requires BrokenSteel.ESM


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp


Requires PointLookout.ESM


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp


Requires Zeta.ESM


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No DLC Increased Spawns.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Size Scaling.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Skeleton Decay.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp




* This mod does not exist in the current template


Purified Megaton Player House Sink.esp


* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template




* This mod does not exist in the current template


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snip-->load list


Is there a Readme with the AgeBasedBodys mod I can see, or a link to the file? Does it include meshes?


By the way, the fallout vanilla male meshes will not work with either roberts or breezes textures.


Did you already install this file when you installed MMM? (archiveInvalidationInvalidated!)

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That one is from the Body Control mod.


Edit: Heh. Thought that would have added one of those little button spoilers. Not black things.




Body Control(New School Body Replacer):

First things first: While Body Control is 100% Functional FEM is the NSBR golden girl.

Because I don't have a computer NO more content will be added to BC.

I have made a body pack with 11 female (12 if you include base) and 8 male bodies  in  it.  You  can
switch the player body on the fly or give a body to a NPC. Just the thing if you have cloths from  2
or more different bodies. This has been all set up so that the base underlining textures  don't  get
changed, and you can change instantly between the fallout base body and any of the 11 bodies on  the
fly with each having their own skin texture, and face textures where one way obtainable.

Archive invalidate not even needed

You can hot key the [body Control] to quick change back to Fallout base body. Equipping it  in  menu
mode will give you the Options Menu.

Male Body: Breeze's male body Page Slofs Boners Female Bodies: Breezes Blender FO3  Biped  Animation
Kit Naouak Female Body Replacer Growlfs Female Nude Body Replacer Dimonized Type  3  Type  V  Female
Body Replacer Exnem Female Body Replacer Malos Female Body Replacer (Audult body only)

The bodies in the control pack are the Property and rights of the named owned.

It's Easy to replace any of the bodies  with  any-other  body  you  wish,  All  texture  path's  are
separate. Just over-right a body you don't like with one you do.

This mod is part of my cross mod project... All my mods require CrossModData.ESM to be loaded. (It's
in the main package)

The Body Control can Auto-pick from the 11 bodies for Female NPC as you come across  them.  This  is
good so that NPC's don't all have the same body. There is a Reset option so you can restore all  NPC
back to normal.

No NPC's where harmed in this process. It works on a script concept I originally found in PJ's Spell
Compendium for oblivion. AKA 0 NPC conflicts.

Note: If you end up looking old and not hot. One of you  mods  is  changing  the  Race  section  and
conflicts... Bummer. Here is a quote on how to make a merged  patch  made  from  csb:  To  create  a
compatibility patch (say for custom races that use a body type that isn't the  default  replacer  --
the Alice race mod, for example) is pretty straightforward with FO3Edit:

Load the conflicting mods (making sure to have set their load order properly in  Timeslip's  Fallout
Mod Manager -- you'll want the other mod loading before the Body Conrol .esp). If  you  changed  the
load order, close FOMM to save the change. Start FO3Edit and when the mod list appears,  right-click
and choose "Select None," then check the conflicted mods (and their masters).

Once the masters, mods and associated BSA resources load, set  the  conflict  detection  filter  (as
shown in Miax's great FO3Edit Guide - Web-enized).

Once the filter runs, right-click in the tree view (left side) and select Create Merged  Patch.  You
will be prompted for a file name (without the .esp extension), you'll probably want  something  like
bcXXXXpatch, where XXXX is the conflicting mod.

Expand the newly created patch, and look to see what is  still  conflicted,  or  what  you  want  to
override, following the drag 'n' drop technique in Miax's guide.

Save the file, start FOMM and check the new patch file to enable it and close  FOMM.  Start  FO3Edit
again, loading just the patch file and any required master files. Then follow Miax's guide  for  mod
cleaning (mainly removing Identical to Master records and such).

Voila! Your compatibility patch is now ready to publish. End CSB

All-so Note: This is a TOTALY different project to AP. It does extend AP's  functions  but  all  the
code to do so is AP side. Any-thing you have to say about AP should be posted at my AP page and  not

If any-one else wishes to make a NSBR based on this code and their own body collection, go hard  the
esp is included.

I am hoping that this will become the one of many New School Body Replacers.

Other NSBR's: Introducing My Big Sister / Little Brother mod project... FEM - Female Enhancement Mod

Thanks go to DoctorL Kudos/Endorsement given. I could not have made such a Good NSBR.

FEM aim's to super-seed the BC buy auto-applying armour patch's as well.

While its still in WIP status ATM(6/12/09 NZ date DD/MM/YY) it is still  well  worth  the  download,
because only the coding is not finished what's there will be usable in all  updates  with  you  only
needing to updated Master File.

The only reason BC stays on the nexus is FEM is still WIP ATM and  you  just  stand  a  "chance"  of
getting BC over a 56K , if your band-with is not in MBS forget FEM.

Alice Alice must all so be given a place in the NSBR list. It is the most limited of the lot so far,
It all most does not count because it does not change NPC bodies or let you  switch  bodies  on  the
fly. But it does let you have a body and skin installed side buy side with  base,  so  it  gets  its

There is a optional set of cloth's that can be downloaded. The Cloth's  will  be  added  to  potimic
atire in Rivit city. These cloths will auto switch body and more importantly skin data to match.

This is a demo of how bodies/cloths makers could, using BC force the right skin  for  their  cloths.
Also shows how to make cloths for two types of bodies can live side by side such as The Sexy  Nurse.
If you wish to use this trick, go hard.

This cloths pack is by no means Big or extensive. I didn't mean it to be. But you can  add  you  own
downloaded stuff to it quite easily.

Known Limitations of New School Body Replacers:

The hair issue is being looked into by the FOSE team (THANKS GUYS!!).

Hair. Hair and eyes are a big problem as mods that add new Hair/Eye's will more then likely conflict
if they are not higher in the load list.(FEM  is  immune  to  conflicts,  it  still  has  the  other
limitations ATM).

BC does not change the basic race type's so you can have hair packs installed and working, but  when
you change body you will change hair back to a vanilla hair style(Even if  you  compatibility  patch
because you would still need to add the each hair type's to 11*4+2 race's).

I suggest that if you wish to keep a non-vanilla Hair style that you make a wig.  If  it's  an  item
then it will stay equipped and showing passed the age change.

A Demo can be found here

Hair. Hair. And HAIR!!!.

When you age (Body Change) the Player your vanilla hair style stays the same, custom  would  too  if
you added it to the race. Not so for a NPC. I have spent over 6 hours trying to  copy  hair  through
the change. If any-one knows how to change Hair through script please let me know.

Till then I have contacted FOSE and asked if they can include a Set Ref to NPC.GetHair / NPC.SetHair

But I know as a moder that people contacting you and asking you to add Stuff to a project that could
take you day's to complete can get annoying pretty fast(They work you know FOSE  is  something  they
have done to be nice not for pay).

I can use VB like the back of my hand VB.NET is my child-hood dream of  how  programming  should  be
done, C# is not good enough to make me bother, I can even do a simple Number = Number + 1 goto up  a
bit and repeat until number = 10 in ASM. I didn't even need to learn the geck I just  looked  at  it
and knew how to do it (Nif-scope is WIP status).

But I have had a Lifelong FEAR!!! of C++

That's the only reason I have not all ready done it myself.

I FEAR C++. I have had dreams of it creeping up on me in the night taking me back  to  it  lair  and
melting my brain. Its the ONLY computer programming lang. I have ever met that  just  WILL  NOT  fit
into my head.

I Know that at least 1 person out of the 4000+ that have viewed this page when I typed this, that at
least ONE of you can code C++. Is it you?

If there is any - uni (Don't know USA term, Age 18+ school that cost's lots and  get's  you  a  high
paying job) type that can do a bit of coding and like's their Fallout3 hair just right, or  any  one
else that can/will do it, Then FOSE comes with the Source code you know...

It would only take one of you to think ok, he's right I can code C++  and  Fallout  3  (Not  BC  but
Fallout) does need a way to change/set NPC's hair. I'll spend a bit of time and see what I  can  do,
to get this done.

Again as a moder/coder I would Love it if someone sent me not ... "I have something I  want  you  to
do. Something. Now get to it Chop, Chop." But "I love your product but it did not have all the stuff
in it that I want. So I added it. Hear you go take a look at it and if it is up to  standard  please
include it in the main project, have a nice day" Getting that post would give me joy. I  would  have
just made a new friend somewhere in the world.

What I'm saying is that if fallout will not let us do it, as a World community we have the power  to
MAKE it do it one way or another? I have done my part I think.

That's the best I can do. If I/we can get Hair sorted  then  this  lay-out  body  replacer  will  be
perfect. Better than just replacing the bodies. If not NPC's hair will change after the body  change
and the player can't keep non-wig non-stranded hair, with-out hand editing the esm  to  include  it.



I fixed it for you. -myrmaad

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Ok so is that your actual load order above, (I ask because Fallout3.esm should always load first in the list regardless of anything else)?


Have you read through all the posts in the Body Control Release thread to see if anyone else came across this problem?


I advise you to go that route, since 1) I don't use that, and 2) I have no interest in using it, so really don't want to waste my time and effort on understanding how it's doing what it does, but I suspect that's where you'll have to expend your energy to find the solution.


(no offense meant, but I also care for a 3month old infant and am a full time student as well).

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Okay so I deleted both Breezes and Robert's mods because Body Control can still be used to get them if I choose. Now the raiders have on the default underwear, but they are still pink skinned.
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