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Follower Armour


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This isn't the usual question about 'why can't I get Lydia to wear glass armour", I promise.


Lydia wears heavy armour, so I give her that.


However, she currently has in her inventory
Superior Steel Helmet (a/c 30)

Steel Plate Helmet (ac 26)


And she wears the latter.


And if I give her a guard's helmet, she always wears that, even if it has an insanely low armour class.


What is going on?


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First off, I want to congratulate you on spelling armour properly. Even my dam.ed phone wants me to spell it 'armor' and by Satan's stained knickers, I'm not leaving out a letter just because the trecherois Americans think it convenient!


Any who... Without knowing the coding involved, I have noticed preferences towards guard helmets. Not sure why...


As for the steel, I've also noticed that when determining what they wear, followers typically pick the highest unmodified AC, even if given a modified piece with higher AC. It's a math error in how the ai determines superiority in gear

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First off, I want to congratulate you on spelling armour properly. Even my dam.ed phone wants me to spell it 'armor' and by Satan's stained knickers, I'm not leaving out a letter just because the trecherois Americans think it convenient!


Any who... Without knowing the coding involved, I have noticed preferences towards guard helmets. Not sure why...


As for the steel, I've also noticed that when determining what they wear, followers typically pick the highest unmodified AC, even if given a modified piece with higher AC. It's a math error in how the ai determines superiority in gear


I'm totally down with the "Armour" debate going on here :laugh: , I have had the same thing with shields, give her a steel shield (legendary) with buffs and she would rather use her own :pinch: lol maybe she is just fussy

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Open console, click on Lydia, type "showinventory", remember the IDs of items you want her not to use, then remove it from her inventory via that code. Warning: might leave her naked after dismissing her as a follower.

That's not what I want to do. If I give her a guard's helmet (or a cultist mask) to carry, I want her to carry it. Not wear it. I understand that she'd prefer heavy armour to light armour but some of the decisions made are just strange. Incidentally, the SkyRimUI mod invariably flags guard/cultists helmets as 'best choices' in your inventory, so there's something plain strange with them

Edited by ThosRTanner
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