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Ulfric almost 60y old?

Itachi 92

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so Ive never really noticed or thought about this up until now, but in of ulfrics dialouges he said that he trained with the greybeards for 10 years before leaving to fight in the great war and that he started the training when he was just a lad - assuming he was around 17 or so, he would be 27 when the war started and he left. With the war being 30years prior to the events of skyrim that would make him around 57y old :geek: ?


am I missing something, or is he really just an old fart lusting for the throne?

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He's probably in his late 40's rather than 50's. Lad isn't very specific, but most estimates I have heard put him around 8 when he went to train with the Greybeards. At 17 he would have already been considered an adult.


Still, he's not a young man by any stretch.

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Just remember that by old standards, "adult" is actually much younger than modern conception of it. "Adolescence" was a stage that was missing back then, for example, in Romeo&Juliet, Juliet was considered a woman at the age of 10 when she first hit puberty (she was 14 or so when she met Romeo). Also in various lifespan studies, they teach you that adolescence is a fairly recent concept.


So really when he says "when I was just a lad" I don't really think he meant 17, as that is quite old.

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Why is being 57 a problem? Old farts do lust for power just as much as young farts. And the old ones usually have experience and cunning that the young ones haven't had time to accumulate yet. He will also be more likely to have a better grasp of who will be an ally and who will refuse to go along with his plans. And as he is getting older, he is getting more desperate to accomplish his lifelong goal of becoming high king.


When I say, "When I was but a lad." it could mean 27 as well as 8. From 67 years old, I consider my younger self at 27 as just a lad - that would have been 40 years ago. :pinch:

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hehe, I meant no offense of course ^^


so if he really was like 8 around the time the training started that would still make him close to 50.. well I guess that has a better ring to it than 60 :cool:


and from a roleplaying perspective my 30y old nord will feel better supporting him, knowing that ulfric still has time to get skyrim back in shape for the war against the dominion and to have an heir

Edited by Itachi 92
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Well when I was a lad, flairs & Raleigh choppers were in fashion, for the first time round,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,anyway its only a game,

there's far too many other important things wrong with it,,,,,lol


But seriously in "ye olde" days, most kids were expected to work fulltime from around the age of 7, could marry in their early teens (I seem to recall that

Tutankhamen took the throne of Egypt at 10 & then married his half sister, as you would,,,,lol), & probably died by their early 30`s,

only the wealthy normally faired better.


You don't know how lucky you are these days,,,,,,,,,lol

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